Saturday, August 27, 2011

State Fair!

Soooo a week ago I went to the state fair with my family, and it was awesome!!! The first pic is of me eating deep fried oreos. THEY WERE AMAZING! Next year i wanna get deep fried butter!(jk, but its actually real) The second pic is of my fudge. Yes, its the size of my hand. And the last is cream puffs. If you go to the state fair and don't get one, then you need a life! 351,000 cream puffs were sold at the Wisconsin State Fair.WOW!
Then we went and played games, looked at the rides, and looked at the merch. One thing they always sell is hot tubs. MILIONS of hot tubs. And a ton of other junk and "as seen on tv" kind of thing. Can't wait till next year,

Friday, August 19, 2011


Can you see me????????? This picture is from my school play, and I decided to put it up really late. Oh and btw this isn't my whole class, most of the guys went away as soon as the play was over, lol. The play was Julius Caesar by William Shakespear. It wasn't the entire play, we edited most of it out, cuz its REALLY long! I played Calphurnia, Caesars wife. I warned him, okay!! I made my costume from a white bed sheet. I know, I'm super creative!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Music Clinic 2011!

This is my bed(i brought the stuff from home)
This is me in my room, my roommate hadn't gotten there yet.
State st! And the capitol!

Hey its Bess! A couple weeks ago I went to music clinic (aka band camp) and had a ton of fun! It was a week long overnight camp in Madison. We got to sleep in UWMadison dorms, and had a roommate. My schedule was basically:
  1. Breakfast
  2. Band practice
  3. Group Clarinet lessons
  4. REALLY boring class
  5. Performance
  6. Eat lunch
  7. Band practice, again
  8. Band practice in big auditorium without percussion
  9. Choir in the coldest room on earth
  10. Hang out/computer stuff
  11. Eat dinner
  12. Hang out more/state st
  13. Evening performance
  14. Hang out until bedtime
Did you really read that? Wow, that's dedication! So it went like that all week, now I'm gonna explain stuff.
State street is a street near the campus. After classes we could go, and it was awesome!!!! I <3 shopping... The 1st performance was a performance themed around music, except the yoyo guy. The 2nd performance was same, though a little more fancy-is.
Band camp was amazing, and I can't wait to go back next year!:)
P.S. if you want to watch a funny video about it, click this link;)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Kitty in a dresser!

Lupe (loopay)!!! When I took out one of my dresser drawers, Lupe jumped in. Now my pants are covered in cat Yeah she is very sweet, unlike Cinco, whos very mean.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

summer vacation

I got out of school two weks ago and technicly I should be all sad about not being abill to see my friends to much, but our town is soo small it like I run into a student a day, so it won't be a huge deal when school starts up agen, I'll be seeing even more of them. so for me, summer is like school with out the learning.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Yeah it was a craft, and I decided to do my nails too.(Bess)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

OMG isnt this pretty? Its the sunset outside our house.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Smexie Jessie

Isn't Jessie smexy?! This is from the Pathetic Show 1, so go watch by going to my channel,

Sunday, May 8, 2011


OK so a couple weeks ago I got.... BRACES! FREAKING BRACES! So here are some before and after pictures.(oh by the way if i look really bad in the second pic its because i had been lying down in a chair for 2 hours, and am about to fall over)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I was down by the river and I saw these really pretty flowers! Spring is coming! spring is coming! birdies build your nest! weave together, straw and feather, each is doing their best!(a waldorf song that i sang in 1st grade)BESS

Friday, April 22, 2011

LOL look at the size difference of these cars!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Madison Protest

Hey its Bess. A while ago I went to a protest against Gov. Walker's bill. Mia was there too! My Dad illustrated the signs.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Volleyball Game

Hi. Its Bess. Last night our volleyball game was from 9-10 o'clock! Anyhoo we won because the other team didn't have enough players, so we had a scrimage. A scrimage is when the other team is made of people hanging around who know how to play, so its more like practice.

Monday, February 7, 2011

go pack go! The packers won the Super Bowl! Sorry steelers, not goin' to squeeze the cheese this time. Okay, I admit it, I watched the Super Bowl, though football is not my thing.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


"Stay away from my tacos, human!" lol

Saturday, January 29, 2011


OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG! Yesterday at the volleyball game our 2 best players were at there school play, so they couldn't come. But we actually won! 3 out of 3!!BESS

Monday, January 10, 2011


YAYYAYYAYYAYYAYYAY!!!!!!!! On Friday our team, the Knights, won! Its our first win of the game! !!!!!:) We won 2 out of 3! Sorry I don't have any pics:(BESS)